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Mahendergarh school bus mishap: 6 days on, GL Public School owner nabbed

Absconding for six days, GL Public School owner Rajendra Lodha finally landed in the Haryana police net on Wednesday.
Lodha had been evading arrest since April 11, the day a bus carrying 37 students of his school met with an accident near Unhani village, Mahendergarh, leaving six students dead and 19 injured.
The bus driver was allegedly drunk at the time and speeding at 120 kmph, leading to the accident. It was further found that the school bus did not have a valid fitness certificate.
Lodha was arrested from Bawa village in Rewari. His son continues to remain on the run.
Kanina deputy superintendent of police (DSP) Mahender Singh said that teams had been raiding multiple spots since last week to track him down.
